August 25, 2012
So hard to believe summer's already coming to a close. Although it's impossible to tell just by the weather alone. Georgia remains as hot and humid as ever, accompanied by its signature spontaneous thunderstorms.
I personally look forward to fall. Cooler weather usually brings more time in the kitchen, so I'm excited to break my hiatus with more creations to present to you!
Here's another creation by the lovely blog, Christine's recipes, that uses the wonderfully soft and moist bread from the Tangzhong method that I used in the Hokkaido Milk Toast Bread. I didn't have any creamhorn molds on hand, but nothing that some aluminum roll couldn't fix. I just wadded up the aluminum to a cone shape and wrapped the dough around it. I thought it worked pretty well and the taste of warm bread wrapped around the whipped nutella more than made up for the lack of pretty.
My obsession with nutella is probably pretty obvious by now, so here's another amazing way to eat it. Just whip up some home-made whipped cream and gently fold/ whisk the nutella in! Proceed to eat nutella whipped cream as is or pipe into the creamhorns.
Recipe (yield 9)
Adapted from Christine's Recipes
210 grams (1.5 cups) Bread flour
56 grams (1/2 cup) Cake flour
42 gram (3 Tablespoons) caster sugar
6 grams (2 teaspoons) Instant dry Yeast
30 grams (~1 egg) egg
85 grams ( 1/3 cup) water
84 grams tangzhong
22 grams (2 Tablespoon) unsalted butter (melted)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Tangzhong starter:
Adapted from Christine's Recipes
Yield 240 grams
1/3 cup bread flour
1 cup water (1 cup milk, or 50/50 water and milk)
1.) Add flour and water in a pot and mix until smooth. Cook mixture over medium-low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.
2.) Continue stirring mixture until lines appear in the mixture as you stir.
3.) Remove mixture from heat and transfer mixture to a clean bowl.
4.) Cover the mixture with cling wrap making sure the cling wrap wticks
to the surface of the tangzhong. Allow mixture to cool and chill in the
fridge for several hours, preferably overnight
5.) Let tangzhong come to room temperature before use.
Whipped Nutella
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1/4 cup Nutella
1.) Whip 1/2 cup heavy cream in a clean and preferably cold bowl. Gradually add in sugar and beat until soft peaks form.
2.) Gently whisk/ fold Nutella into whipped cream.
3.) Pipe into creamhorns when ready to serve.
My make shift creamhorn molds
Out of the oven
Waiting to be filled
Ready to eat!
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